How To Calculate The Amanah Saham Dividend

5 08 2009
Based on the information, Amanah Saham fixed price unit such as Amanah Saham Bumiputra (ASB), Amanah Saham Didik (ASD), Amanah Saham Wawasan 2020 (ASW 2020) and Amanah Saham Malaysia (ASM) income distribution are based on the average sum of the minimum monthly balance of your units during the distribution period.

Amanah Saham 1Malaysia (AS 1Malaysia) that is open for sale on 5 August 2009 should use the same calculation method.

The minimum monthly balance for ASB, ASW 2020, ASM, ASD and AS 1Malaysia means the minimum holding of your units during a calendar month from the first day until the end of the month.

This should mean it will take the minimum amount of each month to calculate the total dividend that you will receive.

For example, the transaction activities in January are as below,

1 January you have RM 2000 in your account
14 January you withdraw RM 1000 from your account
28 January you top up account to RM 3000

For the purpose of calculating the dividend, in January, RM 1000, the minimum amount for that month will be used.

Now let say for the particular financial year, 6 % dividend has been announced for the Amanah Saham.

Your minimum amount for each month is as below,

January – RM 900
February – RM 1000
March – RM 1000
April – RM 1000
May – RM 800
June – RM 1000
July – RM 900
August – RM 1000
September – RM 1000
October – RM 1000
November – RM 1000
December – RM 1000

The amount of dividend that you will receive is

(900 + 1000 + 1000 + 1000 + 800 + 1000 + 900 + 1000 + 1000 + 1000 + 1000 + 1000)/12 * 0.06 = RM 966.65 * 0.06 = RM 58

Above is the calculation based on the interpretation of “income distribution are based on the average sum of the minimum monthly balance of your units during the distribution period”.

Based on this, probably it is wiser to withdraw your money at early of the month and park it somewhere else instead of withdraw on the date you need it. After all, the minimum amount of each month is being used for the dividend calculation.

Are you agree with this ?

Welcome to share whether the above calculation method is correct or miss out any things.



2 responses

6 04 2024

I think this is not the way. This way can be easily taken advantage by buying large amount in the last month before distribution. Very unfair.

9 04 2024

yes, wrong calculation

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